A Little MIA

Hello! I wanted to write a quick post to apologize for being a little MIA this school year. It is my hope/goal to get you more blog posts during the year 2022!

Things have been a bit crazy this school year, as I know it is with everyone else, especially with Covid still going on!

  • In September, my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our first child. We cannot be happier for this little bundle of joy to join our family! With this being our first child, I have been busy getting things prepared at home, as well as trying to get ahead on things for school in case I have to take my maternity leave earlier than expected.
  • I am a board member for Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted (WATG), and this past October, I was in charge of planning our annual conference. This involved a lot of work, but it was definitely worth the experience! I am now the President Elect for the association, and next October I will take on being president.
  • As everyone else has experienced, I’m sure, I’ve also been dealing with students being out for quarantine which adds more work as well.

All in all, it has been a busy but great school year so far, and I am excited to see where the next few months take my students and I! Watch for more blog posts coming soon!