Book Review: Front Desk and Three Keys by Kelly Yang

These two books are great for read alouds! I read aloud Front Desk to my students last school year and then Three Keys just got released this year. They are both great books for students, especially gifted and talented students. They bring reality to what is going on around the world today with immigrants, allowing students to see things in an understanding perspective. The books also allow for in-depth conversations/discussions within the classroom.

Teach Life Lessons

There are a variety of life lessons that can be found within both of these books. One quote I really liked to help students learn a life lesson was, “It’s okay to be scared,…But you know what’s even scarier? Realizing something is wrong and not saying anything” (Three Keys, page 212). This was said by the main character who was telling someone else that they should apologize for their wrongdoing. This quote is wonderful to teach students that if they know something is wrong, they should say something. What a great discussion topic!

Front Desk Discussion Questions/Journal Prompts

  • How does Mia overcome discrimination in this story?
  • How does Mia develop confidence throughout the story?
  • Why do you think Jason bullies others?
  • How does Mia help others with her writings? How can you help others with one of your talents?
  • What do you think is better: “to have had something for just a second and then have it taken away, or to have never had it at all”? (Front Desk, page 26) Why?
  • Describe a scene from the book that impacted you the most. What about it had a big impact on you?

Three Keys Discussion Questions/Journal Prompts

  • If you could only bring a small carry-on suitcase of your belongings when you move, what would you bring and why?
  • Are either of the two rollercoasters better than the other? Explain.
  • Which character do you relate to the most? Why?
  • Mia and her friends and family positively affected many people. Provide evidence to support this statement.
  • Mia accomplished many big tasks throughout the book. Describe a big task you hope to accomplish in your life.

How Kids Feel About Labels

At one point in Three Keys, one of the characters says, “‘I always thought…’ [Lupe] said, wiping her tears, ‘That because my parents did something illegal, that we were illegal, just like the bombs and the drugs. That we were bad. Today was the first time I heard someone official tell me I wasn’t bad'” (page 192). This quote really stood out to me. Kids need reassurance in every aspect of their life. It got me thinking…how many kids feel similarly about other “labels” that they have, such as learning disability, gifted, ADHD, etc.? I could definitely see using this as a class discussion with my gifted students!

Quote Written on School Wall

Three Keys focuses on California’s Proposition 187 where they were not going to allow immigrant children to go to school. Within the school that the main characters attend, someone had written on a school wall, “Go back to your own school! This one is ours!” (page 205). We need to make every single student feel welcome within our schools. It is also important that we not only teach, but also enforce, kindness and respect within our classrooms and the whole school.

Final Thoughts

Front Desk and Three Keys by Kelly Yang are two great books to tie into reality and bring deep discussions into your classroom with your students! As you are reading them, remember that they may have an affect on some students depending on their background and experiences, so keep that in mind.