Gifted Testing Tips and Strategies

On Friday I have students taking the CogAT test to see if they qualify for our gifted and talented program. This got me thinking about the different tips and strategies parents can use when their child is taking the gifted and talented assessments.

Positivity and Encouragement

I think one of the biggest tips for parents is to be positive and encourage your child to just do their best. It is better if you do not place much emphasis on the assessments themselves. You should have a positive attitude about the assessments and emphasize that you have confidence in your child’s ability to do his/her best.

Before the Testing Date

Along with being positive and encouraging, you can help your child the night before the test by:

  • Making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before so they are well rested.
  • Reminding your child to listen to the directions and read each question carefully.
  • Encouraging your child to ask the teacher for help if he or she does not understand the directions.

On the Day of the Assessment

  • Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast that will help them focus on the test and not being hungry.
  • When I test the students, I provide breaks in between the test sections and allow the students to have a snack, so make sure they have a healthy snack they can eat. Also send in a water bottle so they are not focusing on being thirsty during the test.
  • Once again, before they go to the place to take the test, tell them that all that matters is that they try their best.

After the Assessment Day

When you receive your child’s test results, let them know how proud you are of their hard work, no matter if they qualified or not. If they did not qualify, let them know that you are happy that they tried their best, and just because they did not qualify does not mean they are not smart. We all have our own skills and talents, and I am 100% sure your child excels at multiple things in their lives!

Image result for don't stress just do your best