Working with Parents

** This post is part of a larger post: Developing a Gifted and Talented Program. **

It is very important to develop a partnership with your students’ parents. By having a positive relationship with them, you will be able to work together to make sure you are providing the best education possible for your students.

Here are a few tips to help you when working with the parents of your gifted students.

  • If a parent suggests something to try for their child in order to meet their child’s needs, be open to trying it, even if it’s something new for you. 
  • Provide ideas/activities that parents can use at home to help their child continue learning when they are not in school.
  • Have an open-door policy where the parents feel comfortable coming and talking with you about their child.
  • Along with the parent, look at and evaluate each option that is available for the student in order to see what the most appropriate solution is for that child.
  • Communicate well and consistently with the parents. For example, have a weekly newsletter that describes what is going on in the classroom, projects, special events, etc.).
  • When explaining your reason for doing certain things, use research to point to best practices in gifted education.
  • Allow parents to volunteer in your classroom.

Overall, work closely with the students’ parents. They know their child better than anyone, so they can provide valuable insight on what could help their child. Work together on developing a plan, and then keep in constant contact with them. Like any other parent, they will appreciate and respect you more if you ask their opinion and take it into consideration.

Do you have any other tips for teachers when working with parents of gifted kids?

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